
Benefits and Risk of Eating Mango when Pregnant

Benefits and Risk of Eating Mango when Pregnant

Benefits and Risk of Eating Mango when Pregnant

Mango including fruit that is identical with pregnant women. This is because many mothers who crave young mango when pregnant. But, whether eating mango when pregnant is safe? Consider the following explanation,

Benefits of Mango when Pregnant

Just like other fruits, mangoes contain many nutrients that are good for health, including for pregnant women. Nutrients contained in the mango include vitamins (A, B, and C), folic acid, calcium, iron, and magnesium. With these nutrient content, mango has many benefits if consumed during pregnancy. Among others:

1. Prevent Anemia

The content of vitamin C and iron in mango can maintain the availability of blood amount in the body. Vitamin C in it can also help the body absorb iron from food consumed by pregnant women. Thus, the combination of vitamin C and iron can help prevent anemia in pregnant women.

2. Support Fertile Growth

Folic acid in mango fruits can help the growth of the brain and spinal cord of the fetus in the womb. Vitamin A in it can also help the formation of baby teeth and bones, as well as the development of organ systems (such as: eye, heart, lung, and kidney systems).

3. Launch the Digestive System

Mango including high-fiber fruit, so it can prevent constipation and launch the digestive tract in pregnant women. Fiber can also make mothers full longer, thus preventing pregnant women overeating.

4. Preventing Pain

Mango can also prevent pain that endanger pregnant women. This is because mangoes contain several nutrients, such as:
  • Antioxidants. This content can help the body counteract free radicals cause pain, such as cancer, heart, until Alzheimer's.
  • Magnesium. This content can lower blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women.
  • Vitamin B6. This content can relieve symptoms of pregnant women, including nausea due to morning sickness.

5. Balancing Body Fluids

Mango is also rich in electrolytes. This content can help maintain the balance of body fluids, and regulate the work of the brain, heart, and muscles to keep functioning optimally.

Risk of Eating Mango when Pregnant

Although beneficial to the body, eating mango during pregnancy should not be excessive. Therefore, eating excess mango can lead to health problems, such as heartburn and diarrhea. In women who are allergic to mango, this fruit can also trigger allergic reactions. In fact, a high sugar content in mangoes can also increase the risk of gaining weight gain and the risk of gestational diabetes.

In order to get the maximum benefits, make sure the mother keeps the cleanliness of mangoes and hand hygiene before processing and eating them. Wash the mango fruit first, peel the skin, then cut according to taste. As much as possible, avoid eating mango flesh directly from the skin.

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